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As an unescapable and unrefutable truth, the Society of Ancient Irish Religion works with the Imperator Scottorum Association and recongises Prince Díolún Mac Bréifneach to be the heir of the Kingdom of Ireland, established by Rory O'Connor shortly before the English invasion. It further holds him to be the heir to the title of High King, whose origins relates all the way to the gods, making him their heir as well.

 This may come as a shock for those looking into the Society as it would seem at odds with the popular depiction of the Irish and the Celts as free spirited, democratic and highly against monarchy. However we would suggest otherwise, the High King of Ireland is not only necessary but vital to the religion of the ancient Irish and to deny this position would be doing a disservice to Senchus and the ancients who practiced it.

 The High King could be considered the Highest Priest of Celtic Religion, he is the only one who could do rites that would affect the entirety of Ireland. Of course this rite being the marriage of Flathus Erenn, without this rite Ireland may suffer extremely from infertility of the land as well as other religious plagues.

 This in particular cannot be covered by a mere president or politician, not by the election of the masses for it is not they who choose the monarch but rather the dictation of the gods. If one truly believed that the gods would not support this position then i would have to ask them if they thought this modern world changed the thought of the gods. For they have never thought to elect one in this manner before, no matter what view of Tanistry is taken.

 Further, the High King is the one who lights the sacred fires and most likely takes part in other prominent rites. He's the Highest judge in Ireland for he has to be and he holds every assembly that affects all men in Ireland.

 This, the society feels, is too much to be forgotten, the High King is important to our faith and we will not try to hide it or lie about it ever. 

 As a note on membership, although it is expected that all Society Druids respect Diolun to a certain degree and ultimately no disturb the royal rites. No one is forced to believe in the same things as Diolun or can't disagree, however if they are urgent we ask that a member of the society do raise issues in a polite manner, not in the way most modern people are prone to. That is trying to make gotcha arguments and degrading their opposition.


*The Society of Ancient Irish Religion further does not completely agree with all positions taken by Diolun, if you wish to know the Society's opinion on a subject then ask separately*

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