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Mounds (Or Sid) are a very important part of Senchus and Society belief, they make up one of the most identifiable landmarks with thousands of mounds being all across Ireland. They are, by at least later tradition, considered to be the dwelling place of the gods and worship was most likely conducted at these holy places.

 Mounds are in truth, burial mounds which date all the way back from before the Bronze Age. They contain the bodies of great warriors and kings, most of whom are lost to time, although at least by folk tradition one may learn of the burial mounds of many heroes such as Medb and Aillil.

 This goes on to explain why burial mounds such as these were thought of as being a portal to the otherworld. Where Sidhe would dwell and where they rise from every time the barrier from this world and the next became thin, such as Samhain.

 This goes on to explain the tradition of holding assemblies on mounds, since the dead and the gods were most prominently inclined towards truth it would've been a method to ensure true judgment and truth was spoken at these assemblies.

 It is most likely that there were shrines of some kind on the mound or altars to make offerings and worship. Great bonfires were also lit on mounds and hills like these such as the great fires of Samhain and Imbolc, it is possible that other fires were lit on these mounds as well.

 All of these things should be considered by a member of Senchus, especially those who live near mounds as places of worship. it should also be noted however that a mound shouldn't be disturbed by say pit offerings or further destruction. This is vandalism and damages a a historical landmark as well as a religious site, maximum care should be taken around these places.

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